Thursday, May 19, 2011

Samia's Pre-K Graduation

Yes nena today you graduated from Pre-K I was so excited to see you finish your school year.  I had the pleasure to see you sing and walk and get your diploma it was just us four the circle of love Mami, Samia, Gamila and Baby Amir like we call him.  Baba did not make it, but I just want you to know you did great you sang so pretty and you were not embarrass at all, the whole week we had being talking about you singing and you did great like I know you would.

You look so pretty with your gown and hat I could had just eat you with kisses my love.

Nenes lately we are doing better still hard not having baba in the house but we are finally realizing that is just us in this house, we would not move we would stay in our house is only fair at least we don't have more changes in our lives. 

Samia you are growing very fast, a little of talking back but is normal and mami knows how to  handle you.

Milo you are a bit hyper more than usual, but I think you are just getting used to all of these changes is not easy on you guys but like I always say we are together.  Milo you are also becoming very very talkative and I love it the truth is that I see allot of me in you, maybe that is why you drive me against the walls at times, but I love that challenging personality keeps me in check.

Amir you are my dare devil although very attach to me I think you are just so used to seeing me that your whole world is mami and mami and mami.

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