Monday, January 10, 2011

Making movies

Nenas for your information is not easy to keep you guys home entertain, meaning away from the TV.  Lately Ms. Samia enjoys watching TV something she never did, Gamila does not really care for it but seeing her older sister do it she gets into it.  

I have to admit when I used to live in NYC I got into the habit of keeping the TV on at all times, not really watching but listening to it made me feel good not so lonely...and even to these days I turn it on just to keep me company...but company and my eyes glue to it is a whole different story. There are days I let it slide by and yes, you guys watch more TV than what I really want but most of the days we do many things around the house to keep you busy.  

On Sunday we made a movie we had done that before but this time we got to watch it with baba in our projector, I told the girls they could draw a story and then baba and mami could watch it while they told us what it was about it, nenas you were so excited patiently waiting for baba to get home so we could watch the movie.  Samia your movie was about the ponies, Milo your movie was about Dora in the mermaid kingdom.


Maddy said...

What a great family activity! And I have to say, I absolutely love the theme of your blog! Your "nenas" will love this someday :)

the Lola Letters said...

You are such a cute mom!
Great idea!