Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A little catching up

I feel I been neglecting my blog lately, but after coming back from vacation I don't know why it is so hard to get back to a routine, and the truth is that I am not a good human being if I don't have a daily routine, I notice the kids do okay if they don't have they routine, I guess that as we get older we become more efficient if we have the routine.

Lately I being swamp by Dr.appointments I am getting my gallbladder remove so trying to schedule my appointments with out the kids is kind of hard, and at time impossible, for instance yesterday I was stuck and the Dr.'s office having an EKG and Xray done with my three smurfs, everything has to be said they were awesome, for some reason Samia you behave worst that the two little ones I think it has to be with your age.

Is funny although they behaved so well my blood pressure was still up, we are thinking it could be that I was stress out of having them there and they were going to be loud or my allergy medicines, yes I am suffering from allergies I thikn here in Louisiana everybody has them it took me 4 years to get sick, baba started suffering them last year.

On a good note Abu would be coming soon to give baba a hand while I am recuperating from the surgery.

yesterday Milo started her dance routine is only 30 minutes but she enjoys it allot, Samia started hers last Thursday needless to say she loves it.

Away from trying to catch up with everything I being doing some reading and my Novelas que vaina tienen tantas novelas colombianas que me he vuelto una idiota pegada al televisor...thank God for DVR if not I will be in huge trouble.

You nenes since I came from Miami I am trying to work in not trying to get done everything done in one day, sometimes I notice we put extra jobs on us that are not needed not letting us enjoy every single moment of hte day and is not fair life is too short to be worry about things we can not control or that can be fix tomorrow...

Amir ---- you are getting big starting to sit up and when I put you down you are getting in the crawling position, no teeth as of now however you are eating lots of new things I think in a few more weeks I will be introducing you to table food.  Overall you are a very happy baby!

Samia ------ you are my bundle of joy I love to see how you are growing up how you say the funniest things, how much you comprehend now days and one thing I am learning about you is that you talk when you want to talk I try to get info about how your day went and you will play the quiet game however when I least expected you start telling me everything.   Nena always remember that mami is here to listen to you and don't worry how bad it can be Always the truth that is what matters at the end of the day.

Milo ----- you are my arrow fast for everything, very self sufficient I can is your favorite word, I also see how much you love your sister and try to follow whatever she is doing, one thing I can say Milo you can go from cold to hot like one of those cars that race, but I just love that about you

Oh nenas you guys still bring the books from school and we read them at night here is what we have read lately.


Amalia said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog. You're children are so beautiful! It is really great you have set up a blog for them to read when they are grown up :) xx

The Sole Sisters Collective said...

I hope the sugery goes well. I understand trying to get everything in order before a surgery...good luck.