Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tres, Three, Talata yes Amir

Today Amir is 3 months and is amazing how much they all look alike in their own way.

Samia today was your last day of preschool and your last day of dance class is amazing how big you are now.  I can not lie with so many things going on sometimes I don't realize how much you have grown, few things you have told me lately.

While we were away in our vacation the place we stayed at had allot of signs with arrows, you asked baba and me what those signs were for so we went ahead and explain to you to follow directions and to know where certain places where at.  Your response to this was:
Baba could you please put those signs at home so I know where everything is at.
Another thing I have notice lately is that you listen to everything I said even when I am talking on the phone and then you make comments for instance I was talking to one of my friends that I will be going to Miami without the girls just with Amir, well to my surprise a couple of hours later you came to me with some flowers and said:
Mami when you go to Miami and I stay with baba I am going to get allot of flowers so you know I miss you.

I have a big problem I say bad words and I think Abuela hit me many many times trying to correct me and it just did not happen.  Nenes as you guys get older you will learn that what mami does or says does not mean you can say it or do it.  So the other day all of a sudden Samia you said Shit~~~~ I give you my look, by now you know that is not a happy look and all of a sudden  you say "Oh Blueberries"  Nena the truth is that I could not stop laughing...well know you know that there are things mami says that can not come out of your mouth..(I know I am going to get my chair of bitching in your minds nenes, but rules are rules)

Here are my two nenas with her milk mustaches actually they were drinking kumis is a yogurt type substance very tasty and refreshing.

Gamila you are the clown of the house for now, don't know what Amir has in store for us just yet.

Milo you love to dance, sing, make up stories and you come up with the funniest things, you also love to play you are a baby when you see me with the baby but then you want to be a mami.

 And to celebrate 3 months the girls and I made pinkdelicious cupcakes.

1 comment:

Stylomom said...

Ah Mistika these are so beautiful babies - I really like Milos hair and she looks funny too... Im sure you cant stop laughing with kids like these around...