Friday, November 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Mami!

Today I hit my mid 30's I feel great not worry of getting old life takes it course and my duty is to enjoy it.  God has provided me with everything so I have to be grateful for what I have.  With the teachings of my family I was able to work the past 15 years to acquire what I have. I can not believe that 15 years ago I pick up and left Miami to New York the place were I study, I learned that life was not all roses that I had to work to eat and I had to learn that there are is good and bad in this world.  I also learn to be patience so at 28 I will meet my baba.  A great human being...thank you God for the family I have and for my friends that are not many but very truthful.  Like I always say nenas is not the quantity is the quality.

Nenas always learn there is time for everything in life there is no need to run everything comes at the perfect time and I am not going to lie there were times when I was younger I wanted things to happen fast but now I understand why God was holding them back.

Today I had a great day I laugh and I cry......nenas is good to cry is good to miss our family is a normal process but only in this times is when we realize how important they are in our life.

Okey enough preaching I will assume that is what is going to come out of your mouths when you read the fun thing....the food the company and the gifts.

Received many many phone calls...(I wonder why now days everything is done thru a computer???????) there is nothing better than that upbeat happy voice or that song HAPPY BIRTHDAY over the phone...
Today I spoke to Nono, Abuela, Abuelo, Guido, Sasha, Tio Fabio, Tio Cesar, Bonnie, Stacy, baba's coworkers, Annie, Samia, Gamila, baba, Alexandra, Samantha...all of them sang Happy Birthday I love it!!!! 

I got something today that I will always treasure pictures of the girls I love this gift is one of the best things I have ever received...
And I got my Kindle finally......I love it baba had order it a couple of weeks back I just love reading and he knows that I being wanting it for ever finally........


Sweet said...

Beautiful must have been a great day. Thanks for sharing your celebrations with us.

8Happy Birthday*...I'm just can't hear me.

Michelle said...

Happy, happy Birthday!!!

Stylomom said...

Ah Anna! Happy Birthday! You look really nice and happy! Here's wishing you a wonderful life with all the ones you love and may all dreams and wishes, and wants, and everything else in between comes true!! Inshallah.

Unknown said...

sounds like you had a great day!! I love the pictures and a Kindle awesome!!

Stacey said...

I thought about calling but I don't sing that's why I did my happy birthday to you via the computer. ha ha.
So glad you had a good one and I'm glad you got you some fish!