Friday, August 1, 2008

Bravo Samia !!!

Samiuta I am so proud of you today was your 3rd day pull off free, wow my baby girl is 28 months and she does not use any kind of pamper.  Today we were out for the vast majority of the day and you held up so good.  I did not think it was going to be easy.

Today mami went out with her good friend Stacy and my little rascal Carson, he is so full of energy Samia you enjoy to run behind of him. I just love to see you guys play.   Gamila like always just looks from her stroller at all the fun this big kids are having, poor Milo I guess she can not wait till she can run behind her big sister.

Wow I can not believe I only have 18 more day till we fly to Egypt.  The time is getting closer we still have a few loose ends, I really think I am never going to be prepare for all the packing, I am still not sure what I should take and I should not take I guess that no matter how much planning I make I am still going to be missing things the night before.

I am debating in a few things do I take pijamas for the girls since the fly is going to be so long, how much food should I take for my little Milo well little on size but she is like a vacum cleaner when it comes to eating.  Also debating if I should get Milo's ear pierce next week what if she gets an infection oh is so many things I feel my head spinning.

Samia today you wore your glasses the whole time at home, I am not sure what sunrays you are trying to protect yourself from, you love glasses (or shades like they call them in South Carolina) You have pink, blue, green, yellow and the best part is that you keep them on everywhere you go. Oh girls mommy got you a few matching outfits today I know! You guys would not allow me to dress you the same by the time you guys read this. Well at least I had lots and lots of fun dressing you the same way.

While mami was writting my blog baba enjoy himself taking pictures of Samia, Nena look at the way you used to make faces when you were little:

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