Sunday, September 20, 2009

Tomates Rellenos

I finally got around to making Tomates Rellenos, nono makes them and they are just delicious, but since I am not a fan of tuna unless I am craving it and is one of those things that I only eat at home. Yes nenas mami has her little food things, I don't eat tuna outside the home or boiled eggs!

Nono likes to eat them cold like me however abuela loves to put them in the oven I was not sure how las nenas or baba would like them, but they loved them and cold!

They are very easy and healthy.


Large tomatoes
Salt and pepper to taste
  • Buy some large tomatoes.
  • Cut the top part, then with a spoon empty the inside save it to mix it with the tuna.
  • On the side mix the tuna with some of the inside of the tomatoes. I save the rest for future use. mix this with a little of mayo, lemon, salt and pepper.
  • Fill the tomatoes with the tuna.
  • To decorate put a little of mayo and either an olive or parsley.

1 comment:

on the edge said...

This is a great recipe! Thanks . I will try it out soon.Love reading about your babys too . Take care , OTE